Schedule Data for TfWM

The API contains the complete set of schedules for the TfWM area in GTFS Format. For more information on GTFS please visit the General Transit Feed Specification Reference.

To request the data, you must first register on the API. Once registered use the application Id and key provided and request the data from the following endpoint:[YOUR_APP_ID]&app_key=[YOUR_APP_KEY]

Realtime Data for TfWM

Realtime data for all vehicles is available. This data is provided in GTFS-RT and contains a snapshot of the current state of the network at any one time. For more information on GTFS-RT please visit the GTFS Realtime Overview.

To request the data, you must first register on the API. Once registered use the application Id and key provided and request the data from the following endpoint:[YOUR_APP_ID]&app_key=[YOUR_APP_KEY]